2007年8月31日 星期五

[愛吃Apple] 蘋果多媒體軟體大集錦

有人整理出 Apple 相關的多媒體軟體清單哦!

引用文章自 http://homepage.mac.com/applestone/AppleMMTols.html

  1. 視訊編輯軟體部分

Adobe After Effects The ultimate tool for motion graphics and visual effects

Adobe Premiere 6.0 (12/12/2000) The essential tool for professional digital video editing

Entre autres nouveautees Premiere est livre avec une version limitee de Cleaner 5.

Apple Cinema Tools 3.0.3 (Mac OS X Update 10/25/2005)

Final Cut Pro tools for film & 24P HD video

Apple DVD Studio Pro 2 - Le logiciel auteur de creation de DVD d'Apple. L'encodeur QuickTime MPEG-2 inclu est compatible avec toutes les applications exportant au format QuickTime.

With DVD Studio Pro you can author your own DVD-Video discs - so your work is digital from start to finish. Best of all、because it's from Apple、it's designed for creative professionals、not DVD technicians. You can create DVDs which take advantage of every feature outlined in the DVD-Video standard.

Apple Final Cut Pro 5.0.4 (Mac OS X Update 12/19/2005)

video edit、composite、special effects

Apple Final Cut Express 3.0.1 (Mac OS X Update 10/21/2005)

video editing

Apple iDVD 6.0 (Update 01/11/2006)

iDVD lets you make DVDs that have the same features as a Hollywood production. Just collect your movies and still pictures and choose a theme and navigation. You're ready to create a living masterpiece.

Apple iMovie HD 6.0 (Mac OS X Update 01/11/2006)

digital video editing system

Apple Motion 2.0.1 (Mac OS X Update 10/31/2005)

motion graphics package

Avid Free DV 1.6.1 (Mac OS X Freeware 10/20/2004)

digital video editing software

Avid Symphony 4.7 (Mac OS X Commercial 03/05/2003)

professional video & film postproduction

Avid Xpress 5.7 (Mac OS X Commercial 03/05/2005)

Affordable turnkey video & film postproduction

BTV Pro 5.4 (shareware) BTV Pro is an application for the Macintosh that allows you to view、capture and edit video、and create stop-motion animations.

Clip Creator 2.1.2 (Mac OS X Freeware 11/27/2004)

Video tool makes smaller clips from larger source video

Combustion provides the production power to design、animate、composite、and render your creative vision. Use the intuitive Discreet "artist" interface and superior technology for motion tracking、keying、and color correction、rotoscope and composite elements interactively-all within a true 3D compositing environment.

Commotion is a creative tool for image editing and effects. It includes an assortment of tools for image manipulation、animation、matte creation、motion tracking、and compositing.

Digi-Cut Beta 1 (Beta 10/12/2002)

Easily cut between two QuickTime movies

Edo 1.0.9b (Mac OS X Freeware 04/27/2005)

image/video compositing app

FastCut 1.2.1 (Mac OS X Shareware 03/23/2005)

real-time video editor

First Cut 1.0.2 (Mac OS X Shareware 09/06/2005)

DV cutting station

Gllass 1.1 (Mac OS X Shareware 08/27/2004)

movie transition effects

HyperEngine-AV 1.6 (Mac OS X Update 12/16/2005)

Video and audio editor

iStabilize 2.1.0 (Mac OS X Update 04/27/2005)

video stabilizer removes shaky motion

iStopMotion 1.9 (Mac OS X Shareware 01/11/2006)

Stop motion animation & time-lapse.

L'animation image par image (stop-motion movie) est une technique utilisee pour animer des objets :

On prend la photo d'un objet、on deplace l'objet ou/et on le modifie legerement、on prend une nouvelle photo et ainsi de suite On peut ainsi fabriquer avec peu de moyen et beaucoup de patience des films d'animation.

iStopMotion est le logiel adapte a ce genre de prise de vues.

Parmi de nombreuses options、il facilite le travail en proposant de voir en transparence le ou les images precedentes(Onion Skinning)、le travail d'animation est ainsi grandement facilite.

Vous pouvez importer une piste audio pour synchroniser votre animation et comme
iStopMotion est compatible QuickTime、vous pouvez exporter votre film et l'importer dans une autre appication comme iMovie ou After Effect par exemple pour terminer le montage et ajouter les effets speciaux indispensables.

Livid Union 1.5 (Mac OS X Commercial 06/01/2005)

mix & manipulate digital video for live performaces

Media 100 HD - 10.1.3 (Mac OS X Commercial 01/07/2006)

multi-track audio & video editing system

MediaEdit Pro 2.0.1 (Mac OS X Commercial 02/12/2005)

full featured movie editing environment

Modul8 2.0.1 (Mac OS X commercial 07/13/2005)

real time video mixing and compositing

MovieGate 2.01 (Mac OS X Freeware 01/13/2006)

basic DVD authoring application

Movie Montage 2.0 (Mac OS X Shareware 07/6/2004)

movie management & slideshow app

Mpressionist pro HD 3.0.3 (Mac OS X Commercial 19/10/2005)

DVD video premastering

Noodle Flix 1.1.1 (Mac OS X Shareware 01/10/2006)

Talking head movie studio.

QiPo 2.1 (Version 1.6.2 (03/17/2005)

creates previews for movie files

QuickMix 1.2.1 (Mac OS X Shareware 06/24/2005)

multi-track video-editing

Robotfunk Flowmotion 2.5 (Mac OS X Shareware 12/12/2004)

real-time video performance instrument

SimpleMovieX 2.8.1 (Mac OS X Shareware 09/12/2005)

basic movie editor (mov,avi,mp4,dv,...)

Simple Video Splicer 1.0 (Mac OS X Freeware 01/13/2003)

Basic movie editing tool with image panning

StopMotionner (Mac OS X beta 12/18/2004)

all-in-one clay animation creation tool


Strata DV line of video editing software offers the best combination of power、features and price available today. Following in the footsteps of the hugely popular VideoShop, Strata VideoShop 4.51 (Update - 05/08/00) patch beta pour VideoShop.

A full-featured、easy to use、video editor、VideoShop has all the features that you'd expect、including digitizing and printing to tape、dozens of transitions and filters、titling with automatic scrolling.

Test Gear 1.0.1 (Carbon Commercial 08/16/2003)

Video/audio test instruments for After Effects

TOKI TC 1.0.1 (Mac OS X Demo 12/22/2005)

TOKI TC is a tool to display a time code over a movie.

Videocue 2.0 (Mac OS X Update 07/20/2005)

make movies with a recording teleprompter

VT Track 1.5

VTrack is our new revolutionary multi-track video-art and special effects tool with integrated ArtMatic rendering. With VTrack、you can create broadcast-quality video and material for professional-quality DVDs.

  1. 視訊採集部分

Bear's Hand 0.62 (Mac OS X Shareware 11/14/2005)

multipurpose video capture application

BESTCapture Plug-in 1.2 (Carbon Commercial 03/17/2003)

Video/audio capture plug-in for REALbasic

Boinx iVeZeen 2.1 (Mac OS X Shareware 20/10/2005)

turn a webcam to a digital camcorder

CatDV Live Capture Plus - 1.0.3 (Carbon Commercial 30/10/2005)

advanced DV video capture utility

DVTimeLapse 0.31 (Mac OS X Freeware 09/29/2003)

Capture frames from digital camcorder to QuickTime

GCam 1.2 (Mac OS X Freeware 12/13/2003)

Record video clips from an iSight webcam/DV camcorder

GCam permet d'enregistrer des video clips a partir d'une camera Apple iSight ou d'une autre camera DV.

Apres l'acquisition on peut choisir le format de compression audio et video et meme editer le clip.

Gcam supporte toute camera reconnue par Quicktime.

Avec iSight、n'esperer pas creer des films rivalisant avec les grosses production、mais pour le web ou pour envoyer un message video a un correspondant、pas besoin de se prendre la tete : GCam va en toute simplicite transformer votre iSight en veritable camera.

Gcam est tres simple d'emploi :

Cliquez le bouton 'Start Recording' dans la fenetre monitor de Gcam、utilisez le bouton Pause pour demarrer ou mettre en pause votre enregistrement、et appuyez sur le bouton Stop Recording pour terminer votre session.

Le film est enregistre au format .mov、pret a etre editer dans vos outils favoris.

Grab photos 1.0 (Mac OS X Shareware 11/05/2003)

take snapshots from a video source like iSight

iCamShare 2.0.2 (Mac OS X Shareware 01/07/2005)

share videos & pics from iSight or other webcams

Keith's AstroImager 3.6 (Mac OS X Shareware 06/24/2005)

video/image capture for astrophotography or autoguiding

KeyCamX 1.0 (Mac OS X Shareware 08/19/2003)

Webcam app for iSight or any QuickTime-compatible camera

MediaCapture 1.5 (Carbon Shareware 01/28/2003)

Captures from any digital video device to many formats

MulleSight 1.0.10 (Mac OS X Freeware 08/17/2005)

iSight image capture application

myVCR 0.1.2 (Mac OS X Freeware 5/5/2005)

video capture program with timer functionality

uGrabIt 1.1 (Mac OS X Shareware 10/05/2003)

Videograbber tool、allows capturing for iMovie from an iSight

ScreenCaptureX (Mac OS X Freeware 01/10/2006)

Capture your screen with ease.

WebcamTweaker 1.0.2 (Mac OS X Freeware 01/08/2006)

Record video messages、shoot pictures、add effects.

  1. 螢幕紀錄部分

CamGrabber 20030801 (Mac OS X Freeware 08/01/2003)

Takes snapshots from video sources

Camtasia 3.0

a tool for doing motion screen capture on a Windows computer) It can output QuickTime movies.

Display Eater - 1.01 (Mac OS X Shareware 12/02/2004)

record motion on your screen to a movie file

iStill 1.2 (Mac OS X Shareware 7/29/2005)

Image Capture、QTVR Object Builder

Movie Grab 1.0.3 (Mac OS X Freeware 12/07/2004)

record movies of your desktop actions.

Screen Movie Recorder 1.15 (Mac OS X Shareware 05/27/2005)

record screen actions to QuickTime

Screenography 1.004 (Mac OS X Shareware 06/08/2005)

capture your screen to images、movie files、Flash files

ScreenRecord 1.6.2 (Mac OS X Commercial 09/03/2005)

capture on-screen actions as a movie

Screentool 2.0.2 (Mac OS X Shareware 03/03/2004)

screenshot & video capture & organization

Snapz Pro X 2.0.2 (Mac OS X Shareware 05/31/2004)

screen capture; save actions as QuickTime movie

Voila un logiciel qui enregistre au format QuickTime toute l'activite de votre ecran.

Vous voulez creeer un didacticiel、enregistrer une sequence de jeu video、capturer une sequence de DVD ... Snapz Pro est fait pour vous ! Il fait tout cela et de plus il le fait bien plutot mieux que la concurrence.

Vous pouvez capturez tout votre ecran、une zone precise、et aussi avoir un mode ou la camera va suivre votre souris.

Au choix : le mode de compression、la palette de couleurs、le nombre d'images par seconde、la taille de sortie de votre film、masquer ou d'enregistrer le curseur、etc ...

L'enregistrement audio n'est pas oublie、choisissez votre source audio : micro ou audio track (permet d'enregistrer tout signal audio qui sort de votre Mac).

Vous pouvez evidemment aussi capturer des images fixes et les enregistrer dans de nombreux formats. Le capture de fenetres et de menus est avec ce logiciel d'une grande facilite.

Le logiciel est rapide、facile a utiliser et l'interface est agreable.

Un Must !

VideoCapture 1.0 (Mac OS X Freeware 03/30/2004)

Grab images from any video source or webcams

  1. 屏保製作部分

Cinemac for QuickTime 1.5.3 (Commercial 12/24/2001) screen saver software for QuickTime movie

FlashySaverX 2.0 (Mac OS X Shareware 01/15/2003)

QuickTime (avi、mov、mp3、flash) screensaver & playlist

iScreensaver Designer 2.0.2 (Shareware 11/14/2001) turns QuickTime movies into a screensavers

iScreenMaker 1.5.1 (Mac OS X Shareware 03/28/2003)

Turn Quicktime movies into Screen Effects

Keith's AstroImager 3.5 (Mac OS X Shareware 04/23/2004)

video/image capture for astrophotography or autoguiding

Movie Screen Saver 1.5 (Mac OS X Shareware 06/29/2005)

use movies、Flash animation as screensaver

SaveHollywood 1.7 (Mac OS X Freeware 03/28/2004)

screensaver runs QuickTime & Flash movies

xbMovieSaver 1.2.1 (Freeware 11/09/2002)

QuickTime (avi、mov、mp3、flash) screensaver/playlist

  1. 流媒體 / 網頁部分

Apple QuickTime Broadcaster 1.5 (Mac OS X Freeware 04/29/2005)

live encoding for streaming

Apple QuickTime Streaming Server 5.0 (Mac OS X Commercial 10/24/2003)

stream QT media on sites

Apple Darwin Streaming Server 2.0-4 (Freeware - 01/19/00) open source server code for streaming QuickTime data to clients.

Backbone Radio - Easy to use、automated internet radio and streaming application. Now for Mac OS X

Backbone Radio makes it easy for you to organize、schedule and broadcast your audio program directly onto the Internet、using your low cost personal computer.

CineStream 3.0.1b9 is now available. (CineStream is the current incarnation of what used to be Radius EditDV. It incorporates the DV capture and editing features of EditDV and adds web authoring features、including Media 100's "EventStream" technology which is useful for adding interactive elements such as HREF tracks and chapters.)

The Intelligent Assistant for Cleaner is now shipping. This is a CD-ROM that contains lots of information、samples、and tutorials--all of which are designedto help you get the most out of Cleaner.

CoolStream 1.2 (Shareware 07/18/2001) live QuickTime streaming server app for OS 9.

Live Channel Pro 2.2.2 (Mac OS X Update 08/30/2005)

produce、stream、broadcast live video

MakeRefMovie 3.6 (freeware)

Creates alternate movies for various internet connection speeds、CPU's、languages、and more. (Biggest change is that it allows you to designate movies specifically for playback with QuickTime 5...)

ohphoneX 0.4.2 (Mac OS X Freware 09/07/2005)

H.323 client for telephony & video conferencing

QuickRef 0.6.2b (Beta 01/23/2001) automates creation of QuickTime streaming server reference files

QTRM Maker 1.0b2 (Beta 09/01/2001) makes .qtrm files for creating QuickTime reference movie.

Degbert Enterprises would like to announce the public alpha it's first QT Authoring utility!

..QTRM Maker is a GUI application to help you make .qtrm files for Peter Hoddie's most excellent XMLtoRef Movie Utility. It was created to help take much of the typing out of the qtrm making process.

QTStreamSplicer (freeware)

This tool allows you to add an image to an audio only live stream. (or in front of a streaming track).

QTSS for Classic Mac OS 0.5rA (Beta - 06/06/00) open source Quicktime Streaming Server for OS 9.

RTSPtext Maker 1.0 (Shareware 12/19/2001)

Batch reference movies that point to QuickTime RTSP streams

Sorenson Broadcaster 1.1 - Sorenson BroadcasterTM is the first live audio and video broadcasting tool created for use with Apple's QuickTime 4.

- The Windows version of
Sorenson Broadcaster (for doing live QuickTime broadcasts) has been released.

StreamLogger 1.5 (Mac OS X Shareware 02/20/2004)

video logging tool for streamed QT media

SlidesNow! 3.0.2 (Mac OS X Shareware 09/13/2005)

live and pre-recorded webcasting

Wirecast 2.5 (Mac OS X Update 10/18/2005)

QuickTime webcast production tool

XMLtoRefMovie 1.0 、a great little utility that you use to create an reference movie.

  1. 網路視訊聊天部分

Apple iChat AV 2.1 (Mac OS X Update 03/23/2004)

instant message/video conference

Conference Recorder for iChat AV 1.0.3 (Mac OS X Shareware 10/28/2005)

record your AV ichats

EvoCam 3.5.1 (Mac OS X Shareware 07/15/2005)

webcam tool displays live video on sites

eyeBeam 1.1 (Mac OS X Shareware 04/18/2005)

ideo SIP softphone application

iChat Streaming Icon 1.0b (Mac OS X Beta 08/10/2003)

Makes your buddy icon stream live video feed

iChatUSBCam 2.0.4 (Mac OS X Shareware 09/07/2005)

use a USB webcam with iChat AV

iGlasses 1.2.2 (Mac OS X Shareware 12/26/2005)

iSight enhancement utility.

iSightWeb 1.0b10 (Mac OS X Beta 04/30/2004)

webcam app、iSight or any QuickTime-compatible camera

iSpQ VideoChat X 7.2.1 (Mac OS X Shareware 05/20/2005)

video chatting/conference software

iVisit 3.4.3 (Mac OS Freeware 05/19/2005)

multi-party Internet video-audio-text conferencing

Marratech - 5.1.1 (Freeware 09/16/2005)

group videoconferencing for Mac、Linux、Windows

Mercury Messenger 1709 RC12 (Freeware 07/28/2005)

MSN client with video conference support

Oculus 2.5.7

Oculus WebCam software for Macintosh.


